Journal of Armed Forces Medical College ( JAFMC )

Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Vol 12, No 2 (Dec) 2016


Teaching Clinical Anatomy
Habib MA

Original Papers

Leishmaniasis amongst Tuberculosis Patients from Kala-azar Endemic Admitted to Infectious and Tropical Disease
Department at Surya Kanto Hospital, Mymensingh

Rahman MF, Banu S, Alam MJ, Uddin MJ, Sarkar MAS, Basher A, Nath P, Hakim M, Sanjoba C, Paul S, Alim MA, Matsumoto Y, Rahman MB

Knowledge and Attitude of 3rd Year Medical Students regarding Post Mortem Examination
Ahmad M, Rahman MF, Rahman FN, Rahman MA

Socio-economic Status of Drug Addicted Young People in Dhaka City
Rahman FN, Ahmad M, Ali M

Composition of Renal Stone- An Experience at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Naznin L, Saha D, Chowdhury MJ, Akter Y, Sultana MS, Chowdhury A

Incidence of Anal Fistula and Recurrent Abscesses following Management of Perianal Abscess
Begum N, Ahmed QSU

Audiometric Evaluation of Hearing Loss- A Study of 100 Cases
Asaduzzaman AKM, Rabbani SMG, Islam MT, Alam S, Hossain MD, Azad MA

Preemptive Use of Low Dose Intravenous Ketamine on Post Operative Pain after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Maruf AA, Ershad R, Nazrina S

Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status in Schizophrenia Patients
Khan FZ, Sultana SP, Mullick MSI, Akhter N

Polyglutamine Diseases after Genetic Analysis in Patients Clinically Diagnosed as Parkinson’s Disease in Bangladesh
Rahman MS, Sarker MAS, Rahman MF, Toda T, Nagai Y, Kabir MH, Uddin MJ, Jahan N

Development of Training Aids for Teaching-learning of Anatomy Incorporating the Views of Teachers and Students: A Prospective Study
Habib MA, Manara A, Ayub M, Begum N, Hossain S, Hossain MD

Nodal Metastasis in Neck: A Clinical Study of 60 Cases
Hossain MK, Asaduzzaman AKM, Islam MT, Khan A, Azad MA, Hossain MD

Socio-demographic Status and Mode of Transmission of Avian Influenza among Poultry Farm Workers
Islam SS, Rahman MF, Sarker MAS, Begum M, Kabir SMH, Alam MJ, Uddin MJ, Banu S, Rahman MB

Clinicopathological Evaluation of Seronegative Arthritis in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Bangladesh
Haidar MS, Razzak MA

Severe Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions in Bangladesh: A Review in a Tertiary Level Hospital
Chowdhury MNG, Hoque ME, Khan MAL, Khan MSI

Indoor Patient Satisfaction on Doctor’s Care: A Tool to Improve Quality Service at Tertiary Level Military Hospital, Bangladesh
Munir AKMM, Halim AKMY

Role of Acupuncture in Back Pain- Experience in the Department of Physical Medicine, CMH Dhaka
Haque SMS, Miah MAA, Rahman MF, Yousuf M, Rahim HR

Contrast Sensitivity Change- A Tool of Monitoring Glaucoma Progression
Kajmina N, Rahman S, Newaz GS, Haque WS

Correlation of Computed Tomographic Scan Findings in Children having Neurodisability- A Study of 100 Cases
Al-Muid SMA, Beauty AA, Jubaida N, Alam MT

Outcome of Injection Sclerotherapy for First Degree and Second Degree Haemorrhoids- A Study of 50 Cases
Ershad-ul-Quadir M, Rahman MM, Islam MT, Hossain SMS

Determination of Risk Behaviour and Health Problems among Rural Adolescents
Uddin ANMM, Jewel MH

Aneurysm Characteristics of Patients Presented with Sub-Arachnoid Haemorrhage in Combined Military Hospital
Dhaka and Detected at Digital Substraction Angiography
Alam SZ, Islam MS, Alam MT

A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Packing with Nonpacking of Perianal Abscess Cavity
Islam MT, Rahman MM, Begum N

Experiences in the Management of Choledochal Cyst in Pediatric Patients in a Tertiary Care Center of Bangladesh Armed Forces
Nessa M, Khan SUDE

Study on Association between Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Armed Forces Personnel
Hasan MS, Khan MSI, Nayeem J

Role of Carvedilol in Prevention of Adrenaline Induced Cardiac Damage in Experimental Animal
Rahman W, Akhter N, Hossain MA, Nazrina S

Review Paper

Multi-Drug Resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature
Rahman MM, Saha D, Hossain MR

Case Reports

Sporadic Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease: A Patient with Dementia and Involuntary Movement Myoclonus
Rahman MM, Akhter S, Noor-E-Jabeen

Subtotal Gastrectomy for Atypical Carcinoid of Stomach- A Rare Tumour
Hossain SMS, Rahman MM, Mahmud MR, Jahan FI