Journal of Armed Forces Medical College ( JAFMC )

Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Vol 16, No 1 ( June ) 2020


COVID-19 Pandemic: Effect on Medical Education
Islam MT, Pasha AKMMK

Original Articles

Epidemiological Study on Acute Viral Hepatitis Outbreak in Chattogram Cantonment Area
Chowdhury MI, Hossain MD, Rahman SMM, Miah MAI

Pattern of Childhood Cholelithiasis- Experience in a Tertiary Level Hospital
Khan SE, Rahman MM, Parveen Z, Nessa M, Hossain MS

Noise Induced Hearing Loss among Aircrews of Bangladesh Air Force
Islam I, Jobair MA, Ahsan MA, Ahmad M, Hossain MD, Wahab MA

Body Mass Index Status of First Year Medical Students
Rahman MA, Begum J, Wahab MA

Clinical Profile of Cerebral Palsy: A Study in Tertiary Level Hospitals of Bangladesh
Solaiman SM, Beauty AA, Sabbir ASM

Clinical Presentation of Patients with Thyroid Cancer in Tertiary Level Hospitals
Hossain AKMF, Wahab MA, Khatun SF, Zafreen F

Death of Paedatric Surgical Patients in NICU of CMH, Dhaka
Islam ADMS, Khan SE, Yasmeen S, Nira JA

Outcome of In-Vitro Fertilization in the First Government Set-up Fertility Center of Bangladesh
Hossain S, Nira JA, Chowdhury L, Begum AA, Akter N, Farzana S

Effect of Oral Fenofibrate on Serum Bilirubin Level in Term Neonates with Unconjugated
Hyperbilirubinaemia: A Randomized Control Trial

Mosharref M, Rehnuma N, Jahan N, Zafreen F

Efficacy and Safety of Apremilast versus Methotrexate in the Treatment of Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
Rosie TN, Khan AL, Khan MSI, Yazdi QS, Karim ATMR

Mitigation of Risk and Associated Complications of Diagnostic Amniocentesis during Second
Trimester of Pregnancy (15-22 Weeks)

Nahar N, Chowdhury L, Akter MR

Correlation of Haematoma Volume with Early Outcome in Surgically Treated Spontaneous Primary
Supratentorial Intra-Cerebral Haematomas

Choudhury AM, Islam MA, Salek MAA

Prevalence and Pattern of Open Fractures in Level-II Hospital, Central Africa
Sen SK, Debnath S, Haque MM

Knowledge and Preventive Practices about Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection among Nursing Staffs
and Paramedics in Combined Military Hospital, Dhaka

Hamid MA, Chowdhury MA, Islam SMS

Mothers’ Employment and Nutritional Status of Under-five Children Attending Selected Child
Welfare Centre, Dhaka Cantonment

Chowdhury IAQ

Clinicopathological Study on Cutaneous Vasculitis
Siraj MS, Rahman MM, Karim ATMR, Wahab MA

Safe Food Practices among the Regimental Food Handlers of Selcted Military Unit
Hoque MA, Rahman N, Mahmud MK

Review Paper

Access to Maternal Healthcare in Rural Bangladesh: A literature-based Analysis on Factors Affecting
Maternal Healthcare Utilization in Bangladesh

Noor R, Saif AR

Case Report

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Associated with Novel Coronavirus
(SARS-CoV-2) Infection: A Report on Two Cases

Begum NNF, Al-Amin A, Begum M, Sarker MFR, Bhuiyan NI, Khan AA, Chowdhury S, Ferdous J