Journal of Armed Forces Medical College ( JAFMC )

Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Vol 6, No 2 (Dec) 2010


Siddqui AM

Knou''ledge of Reproductive Health: Social Awarcncss
Haque DM

Original Papers

Low dose Aspirin and Muco-protectivc eff'ects of Omiprazolc and Ranitidine
Hossain MD. Hossain R, Rahman M. Chowdhury-DKP

Mothers' Knowledge on Reproductir e Health Needs of Their Adolescent Girls
Zaman B. Shampa RM. Rahman MA

How Does Histopathology Correlate with Clinical and Operative Findings of Abdominal
Hysterectomy ?
Khan R. Suitana H

lnfluence of Preopcrative Fasting Time on Maternal and Neonatal Blood Glucose in Elective
Caesarean Section Under Sub-arachnoid Block
Tauhid-u1-Mu1k. Rahman SMF, Ali NP, Haque M. Chowdhury MRA

Effectivity of Injection Sclerotherapy on Early Haemorrhoids Reported to Surgical Outpatient
Bhuiya MFA, Rahman S, Ali A

Post-operative Pain Follow'ing Multi-visit Root Canal Trcatment of Teeth with Mtal and
Non-vital Pulp
Farzana F, Hossain SMI, Islam SMN, Rahman MA

Is English as a Medium of Instmction a Problcm for Undergraduate Medical Students 'J
Hossain S, Sharnirn KM, Shahana N, Habib MA. Rahman A

Hanging as a Methocl of Suicide: Retrospectivc Analysis of Postmorlem Cases
Ahmed M. Hossain MZ

Attenuation of Cardiovascular Response During Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation
by Using Pethidine with Lignocaine
Mollick MT. Hossain MD. Ali NP

Case Report

Acute Myocardial Infarction Due to Hypersensitivity to Antitubercular Therapy
Mostafi M, I'Iasan ATM! Alirn MA, Chakraborty B

Pradcr-Wil1i Syndrome
Hamid S, Islarn MS, Chowdhury Zl