Journal of Armed Forces Medical College ( JAFMC )

Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Vol 7, No 2 (Dec) 2011


Dermatoglyphics: A Good Tool in Preventive Medicine
Mollik MJH, Habib MA

Adequacy of Haemodialysis
Hoque MF, Faklr MAH

Original Papers

Digital and Palmar Dermatoglyphics in Myocardial Infarction
Manara A, Habib MA, Rahman MA, Ayub M, Begum N, Hossain S

Effect of Surface Area of Diaiyzer Membrane on the Ade quacy of Haemodialysis
Chowdhury NS, Islam FMM, Zafreen F, Begum BA, Sultana N, Perveen S, Mahal M

Outpatient Management of Low Velocity Gunshot Wound Experiencc in United Nations Level-ll Hospital
Rahman M, Sikder AI, Haque M, Asaduzzaman AKM

Comparative Study of External and Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy for the
Treatment of Chronic Dacryocystitis
Khan MKH, Hossain MA, Hossain MJ, Al-MasudA, Rahman MZ

Haemoglobin Status of Pregnant Women: An Analysis of i 804 Cases
Quadrat-E-Elahi M, Rahman MM, Momtaz S, Ferdousi MA, Bhuyan FA

Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Alleged Sexual Assault (Rape) Cases in Dhaka City
Al-Azad MAS. Rahman Z, Ahmad M, Wahab MA, Ali M, Khalil Ml

Lorazcpam as Anxiolytic Sedative Night Befbre Operation
Karim ME, Rahman MH, Hossain MHMD, Ahsan MN

Eff'ects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) on Patients with Acute Low Back Pain
Ahmed B, Alam S, Rashid l, Rahman N, Rahman A, Uddin T, Azad GN

Effects oflsobaric Bupivacaine in Endoscopic Urological Surgcries Under Spinal Anaesthesia
Hussain MD, Mallick MT

Degree of Proteinuria in Post-Icteric State of Hcpatitis E Mrus (HRV) Infccted Patients
Nargis W, Ahamed BU, Zabeer.r S, Alam F, Wahab MA, Arslan MI

Review Paper

Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Where to Draw the Line
Hasan T

Case Report

Gastric Variceal Obliteration by Cyanoacrylate Gluc Injection
Hussain SMB, Hossain MR, Rahman MM, Parvin S, Hossain MD

Port-Site Tuberculosis After Laparoscopy
Baqui MA